Eftersom vi säljer en del resor till Myanmar och har en lokal agent som vi jobbar med där, fick vi inatt uppdaterad information om läget i Burma! Men när man läser detta mail kan man tolka det på många sätt. antingen att agenten håller med regeringen..... eller med munkarna....
Ganska intressant läsning!
06 Oct’07
Update Situation
Dear our valued agents and clients,
The emails were opened at last night from 10 pm to 05 am of Myanmar time. Hope it would be opened soon. You can send us the emails during the night time. I know that it is tough to do, but it is easy that you can set up the time of delivering the email in the email options. For those who are using Microsoft outlook, click on the options under tools bar. Then, click on Mail setup and click send/receive bottom. Then, they can chose the option of time that they want to send of the emails. For those who are using outlook express, it is under tools bar, options, then, send/receive message in general column.
The government announced last night that during their crackdowns on the monasteries of looking for the monks who leaded the demonstrations, they have found that so many things not related to the monks like sex CDs, books, gambling papers for illegal lotteries & football match, human wares and the proof that about 30 of them are living together with the women under the same shelter. They have detained over 600 monks and 30 women found in the suspected monasteries as they cannot separate who is who. But, released most of them and detained only 100 monks and some women for further inspections. We know that it is true as we have been seen and heard of it for a quite long time since we were young. But, nowadays the numbers increased even more. Some of the monks become a monk not because of that they really would like to spread out the Buddhism but because of that they want to use the robe of the monks as a cover for them to settle the normal ordinary tough life of human. Since we all are the Buddhism most of us do not dare to make the complaints as we afraid of losing our owned merits.
Thank you again and with best regards.
Subject: The real Safe Situation in Yangon, Myanmar for Tourists
05 Oct’07
Dear our Agents and clients,
Mingalarbar! Greetings from Myanmar
We believe that you all are wondering of what is happening in Myanmar. We are all safe.
Starting from 29 Sep’07, there are no more demonstrations anymore around the whole country. The Curfew is now reduced from 09pm-05am to 10pm-04am. Shops and vendors are back around the cities. Restaurants and public bus are operating normally. Some of the cities have the anti-demonstrations of the monks organized by local communities. About 10 people were killed during the incidents of government arresting the protestors. A few hundreds of monks and people were arrested. But, those who were not related are released back since yesterday. Finally, it is the normal demonstration and control happening all around the world even in USA on last week. They have also arrested 200 anti- Iraqi War activists. Government announced that total of over 2000 people were arrested during the events and now released over 600 people. According to the other local sources, we believe that the figures are corrected. Government announced that they are ready to talk with Aung San Sun Kyi if she gets rid of confrontation, utter devastation, imposing all kinds of sanctions including economic sanctions against Myanmar. We believe that is right.
In terms of democracy, every country has her owned cultural and historical background. So do us too. For me, I believe that our country cannot survive with this government or someone who can control the military and insurgence groups. Even Aung San Su Kyi got a power; she cannot control the internal problems. What we have to expect only is the CIVIL WAR that’s everybody hate. So it is better that the military personal control the country and creates a system that is fit to our people. That is done in Pakistan, China and Vietnam. In fact, the country has been developing in its infrastructures and educations compared to the last governments, of course without any help from IMF and international communities. Yes, it is slow but better than the civil wars like Iraq or Afghanistan or Lebanon because our country is a union for 135 minorities. If there were no sanctions, the country could develop more to become another tiger in the region. In fact, it was one of a first ever democracy countries among the Asian countries since it got the independent in 1948 till 1962. But, the things we faced during that time were the civil wars. So, what we need really is not a western style democracy, we need a system that is fit to our cultural and need somebody that can control the union. In fact, now the key controller on the opposite movement of our government is CIA. They are well prepared and using media and sanctions as the new weapons. But, who will suffer finally? - Only the people not the government. If they think that it is right to use media and sanctions to attack the government, why do they change their strategies for Vietnam and China? Why their media did not make the big pictures for the same situations happened in Bangladesh and Philippines recently? Well it is a long story if we talk about the politics. No one is perfect, but, for sure, we need sometimes for our people to understand and use of democracy properly rather than we all missed use of it and end up with the civil wars. Till then, we need somebody who can control and maintain the union. We don’t want US and Europeans occupying all the major business. That is our true wish. And, all we need is the positive talks and cooperation between the two main parties – present military government and Aung San Suu Kyi. Of course, both sides should forget the past things happened if they really need the country to develop rather than holing the power.
For the monks, we all are Buddhism and monks are religiously respected by all people. But, what they have done of using the weapons, shouting and spoken about the foods because of economic turn down are totally opposite from the Buddha’s guidance and disciplines. It is not the affairs of the monks. It is the ordinary human affairs. So, we do not recommend of doing the demonstration as well.
Well, for the tourist, we know that it is difficult to explain and most of them are sensitive too. But, what they really seen on the TVs are the normal things those are happening around the whole world. Yes, the situation seems to be more worsted because some of the media showed the tapes of 1988 demonstrations.
The communications of internet and emails are still cut off till this morning because the government does not want the media of reporting back the wrong information. Today, the emails are opened from 08am to 10am. The visa is fine for the real tourists. We are trying to set up the communication via our Thailand office on next week if the government communications are still cut off. But, we believe that they will slowly release the control. For those who have the bookings with us, we still keep the bookings for your groups and let us know the final decision from your side.
Thank you again and with best regards.
Mycket intressant läsning! Jag är för lite insatt för att förstå allt, men det ger verkligen en motbild. Utan att ge mig in i frågan om vilken information som finns tillgänglig i Burma och vilka motiv man kan ha att skriva på endera viset, så känns ändå texten som ett äkta försök att vilja förklara.
Det finns alltid flera sidor av en konflikt. Det är inte så enkelt som att munkar är snälla och militären är dum. Det finns mer att berätta.
Ja precis, och den bild som media generellt har gett är att munkarna är goda, militären är dumma. Jag tror att om en Burmesiska polisen hade sett ett inslag om hur fotbollshuliganer beter sig här så skulle säga att det är värre än vad de har råkt ut för.
UD har för övrigt alltid klantat ner på Myanmar, om man läser om landet på UDs hemsida så får man intrycket att det är livsfarligt att åka dit, men jag har haft flera kunder som har varit där som säger att kriminalitetn är låg och man känner sig aldrig hotad, folket är vänliga.
sen att det är en diktatur är ju en annan sak!
Jag tror inte att man kan hoppa in utifrån och tala om vad som är sant i Burma. De som lever där har fullt upp med att få sin vardag att fungera efter de förutsättningar som ges.
Därmed inte sagt att militären i Burma plötsligt blev goda, men det är inte bara svart eller vitt.
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